Expert draws up a roadmap for the secure use of Big Data

Expert draws up a roadmap for the secure use of Big Data
Expert draws up a roadmap for the secure use of Big Data

The 12-point plan helps enterprises to use big data responsibly, securely and innovatively.

Leading data expert Emmanuel Letouzé (Director of Data-Pop Alliance) has drafted a position paper proposing a 12-point plan for data security in the corporate sector. He also proposes moving the emphasis away from the regulation of data collection to a debate on privacy preserving technical procedures that safeguard big data-driven innovation.

Solutions such as pseudonymous processing and privacy by design do not guarantee effective data protection, security and transparency, nor do they satisfy the requirements for innovative economics.

Data expert Alex Pentland (Credit: Stefan Wieland/Vodafone Institute)

Letouzé developed a 12-point plan to encourage the corporate sector to use big data in a socially responsible way that doesn’t impact their innovativeness. His  recommendations include focussing projects and resources on solving public, socially relevant problems, the in-depth analysis of current risks and the communication of results through data visualisations.

In the foreword to “How to use Big Data?” Alex Pentland (Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), data expert, writes: “We will move towards social systems where human interactions are less confrontational; decisions more rational…“

The paper was developed in collaboration with the Vodafone Institute through a series of high-profile dialogues and debates in Berlin, Brussels, Madrid and Dublin involving experts such as Giovanni Buttarelli (European Data Protection Supervisor), Kenneth Cukier (The Economist, author of the best-seller ”Big Data“) and Andrew Keen (“The Internet is not the Answer”).

Data-Pop Alliance

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Data-Pop Alliance is a global coalition on Big Data and development created ny the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, MIT Media Lab, and Overseas Development Institute that brings together researchers, experts, practitioners, and activists to promote a people-centred Big Data revolution through collaborative research, capacity building, and community engagement

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